Transport Platform
Transport Platform
Transport Platform
Transport Platform
Transport Platform
Transport Platform
Intelligent and versatile. Hydro Mobile's new access solution, the Transport Platform, offers an intelligent, cost effective complement to current systems. Any material required by a subcontractor can be easily and rapidly transported (internal framing and finishing, doors and windows, HVAC, plumbing, electrical and more, including debris removal). A new economical and secure access platform solution for workers and material.


  • Operator training provided.

  • High Flexibility: Modulatory of this transport platform allows for multiple configurations

  • High Power: Electric or gas powered

  • Does not require a dedicated operator

  • High Efficiency: Two independent working unit on one mast

  • Easy to operate and load

  • High Capacity: Up to 4000 lb (1814 kg) load

  • Features


    • Operator training provided.

    • High Flexibility: Modulatory of this transport platform allows for multiple configurations

    • High Power: Electric or gas powered

    • Does not require a dedicated operator

    • High Efficiency: Two independent working unit on one mast

    • Easy to operate and load

    • High Capacity: Up to 4000 lb (1814 kg) load

  • Downloads & Documentation

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